You have just received a VocalTec Internet Voice Mail message. Please read the following instructions to listen to your voice mail: Installing the Internet Voice Mail Player 1. Your voice mail message consists of two file attachments: Voice mail message (.vmf) Internet Voice Mail Player - vmpsetup.exe 2. Save both the voice and player attachments to a temporary directory in your hard disk. vmpsetup.exe is a self-extract archive file To install the player do the following: Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0: Click the Start button, select Run... and run the self-extract from the directory you saved it in. Now follow the instructions on your screen. Windows 3.x or Windows NT 3.51: From the Windows Program Manager, select Run... from the File menu and run the self-extract from the directory you saved it in. To Listen to voice messages: 1. After you have installed the player, in most mailer applications, double-clicking the voice file attachment will automatically play the message using the voice mail player. If this method does not work on your mailer application, go to the destination where you saved the voice file and double-click on it to open the Internet Voice Mail Player. 2. Use the Tape Recorder Controls to listen to your message. Use your saved player to listen to future voice mail messages.